Miro Smart Meetings    







/ SErvices /

New feature

Miro’s biggest bet was placed on its most viral use case: Workshops. UWWA helped to break down, examine and tailored a new feature to cater to this user segment. We delivered such a memorable experience so that people would never agree to have a workshop outside of Miro ever again.

/ RESearch /

Understanding the customer

We deconstructed the whole workshop experience down to the smallest detail. We assessed the most critical points in the journey to focus on resolving them first. We heavily involved stakeholders in the process and documented our research in a Job Map.

/ RESearch /

Top customer needs


Simplify creating an agenda

Make it easier for newbies to use Miro the first time


Decrease amount of questions regarding workshop content

Maximize participants' contribution

Minimize distractions for the participants

Support with facilitating the group


Remove confusion about the next steps

Make certain that content won't get altered

Make sure action points are not forgotten

Iterating to achieve the perfect design

/ RESearch /

Setting up the agenda


Conducting workshop




Break time


End of workshop


‍With Smart Meetings, facilitators finally don't need to worry about a thousand little details to effectively run a workshop.

Simple and streamlined experience enables both participants and facilitators to focus on what matters, and ensures productive use of their time.

Next case study


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